
Appealing a Virginia Workers’ Compensation Claim Denial

Sustaining an injury on the job can be frustrating. It could mean difficulty in traveling to and from work or not being able to earn an income for a certain period. Thankfully, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation claim, which could help you get reimbursements including for your medical bills and lost wages. If you think you have a claim, you must know when to work with one of several Roanoke workers compensation attorneys that practice in this area of law. Typically, these attorneys will not charge unless you win, which means you must get a free consultation to know if it is worth pursuing your case.

Seeking workers’ comp benefits may be challenging, particularly if insurance providers have denied your case. However, you have the right to appeal this decision. If you decide to file an appeal, you must go through the process without mistakes and shortcuts. This can be easier if you work with a skilled attorney.

Why You Need a Workers Compensation Attorney

While the law does not require you to hire an attorney, an experienced lawyer will help navigate the appeal process. To start the process, you must file a claim petition. When you appeal a denial, you should expect to face a difficult procedural, substantive law. You must get in touch with a lawyer to increase your chances of getting the justice you deserve.

Do not assume that you will just get the workers’ comp benefits you need once you record your accident and report it to your boss. Usually, the workers’ comp insurance company of your employer will drag its feet try to avoid paying for the benefits you need even if you have a legitimate workers comp case. If injuries happen in the workplace, you must know how to proceed once you get a denial of your claim. When you submit an application for benefits, your boss and their insurer will usually determine whether or not they should give you benefits.

Why It’s Difficult to Get Your Claim Approved

A worker’s comp hearing can be quite frustrating. You must not able to bring all types of evidence. Your employer may have witnesses who have provided false statements. After you lost your case, your benefits could be cut off, although you still cannot return to work. Or perhaps you have settled a claim before and experience a worsening condition. Thankfully, you can bring workers’ comp appeal in all these scenarios. Due to the technicality of the applicable rules and strict time deadlines, you must consult a great lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney will review your settlement and advise you whether or not it is worth filing an appeal.

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