Electronic fingerprinting, also known as livescan is a 100% paperless and inkless process of capturing an individual’s fingerprints electronically and then transmitting them to a state repository such as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and/or FBI.
Fingerprints were previously captured by applying ink on each finger and then stamping it on a fingerprint card. This method of fingerprinting is messy and usually result in poor quality images. Electronic fingerprinting allows background check results to be provided within a matter of hours when received electronically or with 3 to 5 days if received by mail. In this article, we’ll be discussing the different electronic fingerprinting options available in Florida.
Online Livescan Fingerprinting Services
If you want to get in and out the door in nearly half the time, you may want to consider booking an appointment online for your livescan fingerprinting service. You can also do this at the most convenient time for you. With an online booking appointment, you will be required to get your ORI number (a digital address used by the state to direct your results and ensure proper regulatory agency for review) and then make an appointment with a reputable Florida livescan fingerprinting service.
Next, create an account or continue as a guest and fill out the required information based on your need for the livescan form provided by your employer. Most Florida livescan vendors have multiple Florida fingerprinting locations, so you can complete the payment process and set an appointment time at the nearest location to you and at your convenient. On the appointment day, the livescan operator will scan your finger to capture your fingerprints. Then, wait for your background check results. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement states that it can take up to 5 business days to completely process your results.
Walk-in Livescan Fingerprinting Services
Some Florida livescan fingerprinting companies offer walk-in livescan services. Walk-in services refer to any livescan fingerprinting company that provides service without an appointment. However, walk-in services typically offer services on a first-come, first-served basis, so you may have to wait a little longer. Besides, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many livescan fingerprinting services have suspended their walk-in service, and those that don’t may ask you to wait in your vehicle until a livescan fingerprinting operator confirms your appointment slot so as to adhere to the social distancing order.
Mobile Livescan Fingerprinting Services
Mobile livescan fingerprinting service is perfect for seminars, workshops, orientations, and continuing education gatherings. For instance, if you think that it is vital for a live scan fingerprinting company to come to your office and conducts a level 2 background check on your employees all in one session, mobile livescan fingerprinting services is the right option for you.
Also, mobile livescan fingerprinting service can be perfect for high-profile personalities, and busy executives whose availability to meet requirements for a background check is limited – a reputable livescan fingerprinting company such as CertifixLivescan are professionals and can hold your service details confidential.
The operators will meet with you and your employees or volunteers at a designated location and at your convenience. This service saves you and your employees several hours in travel time, and the accuracy and efficiency will minimize the disruption to your workflow and allow you and your employees to quickly get back to business.
Which electronic fingerprinting service is right for you? Every organization or individual may have different needs when it comes to a background check and choosing a fingerprinting service, but one thing isconstant: electronic fingerprinting offers high-quality service.However, you must only contact the best Florida livescan vendor, such as CertifixLivescan.
Livescan fingerprinting services at CertifixLivescan are provided by experienced, friendly, professional, and confidential staff. They provide state-of-the-art livescan fingerprinting technology that helps capture, process, and submit electronic fingerprints. More importantly, they offer all forms of electronic fingerprinting services discussed above.