
The divorce process in Houston

Divorce becomes the only resort for any married couple if there are frequent quarrels. If things spiral down to a divorce, you know how taxing and depressing it could be for the husband and wife. It is pretty difficult for anyone to make this decision, but you need to file it once decided. Divorce is of two types – Contested and uncontested. A contested divorce is the type of divorce in which the husband and wife do not agree on one or more divorce issues. An uncontested divorce is the type of divorce in which the husband and wife agree on all divorce issues. In this blog, you will get to know about the usual divorce process. You may learn more by clicking here

1st Step

Filing a divorce petition: Filing a divorce petition with necessary court fees before the appropriate family court is the first stage in the divorce process. The first party who files the case is called the petitioner and the spouse is called the respondent.

2nd Step

Providing Summons to the other party: After filing a divorce petition, the Next Step is to provide the opposing party a summon, informing them that their spouse has already started the divorce procedure. 

3rd Step

Response: After receiving the summons, the spouse who is the subject of the divorce must appear in court on the summons date. However, if the divorce is of uncontested type, there is no need for a hearing. 

4th Step

Final decree- Once the husband and wife agree on all the issues such as child custody arrangements, debt and property distribution, and other issues, they may sign the final divorce decree. The entire process may even take months to settle down. But if they agree, the case gets settled after even one hearing.


Divorce at one point in time was the last option to resort to; however, in today’s times, the stigma attached to divorce is much less, and in case you feel stuck in a hopeless affair, you may find a lawyer and break off the marriage. The more frustrating part is the tedious procedure and less information about it. So please do your research about the process before starting it to get mentally prepared for it. Moreover, this was about the basic divorce process; if you want intricate details personalized for you, you may find an attorney.

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